We're going to go a little lighter this week and tackle musicals. I say lighter in the sense that there aren't quite so many to choose from, enough though that our lists still differ from each other.
Finishing my list with The Unsinkable Molly Brown makes me giggle, I have fond memories of watching this forgotten gem; nominated for 6 Oscars, talents of Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell, Ed Bagley, and Hermoine Baddelely. So belly-up to the bar readers...here's our lists, what's on yours? ~MARY
Finishing my list with The Unsinkable Molly Brown makes me giggle, I have fond memories of watching this forgotten gem; nominated for 6 Oscars, talents of Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell, Ed Bagley, and Hermoine Baddelely. So belly-up to the bar readers...here's our lists, what's on yours? ~MARY
Top Ten Musicals
Mickey's Mary's
1. Singin' In The Rain 1. Holiday Inn
2. Carousel 2. Singin' in the Rain
3. Crossroads 3. The Music Man
4. Top Hat 4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
5. West Side Story 5. Wizard of Oz
6. The Wizard Of Oz 6. West Side Story
7. A Hard Day's Night 7. Carousel
8. The Band Wagon 8. Mary Poppins
9. Mary Poppins 9. Yankee Doodle Dandy
10. Yankee Doodle Dandy 10.The Unsinkable Molly Brown

MICKEY: Again, I love your list . . . and I love that Holiday Inn is at the top. It's not just one of the great Christmas films, and it's not just a great musical - it's simply a great movie . . . the music is outstanding, the comedy is genuinely funny, and you really care about the romance and root for the good guys. And The Music Man was an early favorite of mine. And Gene Wilder's performance as Willie Wonka is genius. And you can't say enough about Cagney - when he did the scene at his father's bedside director Michael Curtiz ruined the shot with his weeping . . . and all agreed Curtiz could be a real brute. But you know, your mother is not going to be too happy with your list - I think the only movie she hates more than The Music Man is The Unsinkable Molly Brown.
MARY: I never knew that about Yankee Doodle Dandy, brute or not he makes some great films. Band Wagon was on my mind too, I love that one. There really is something so special about Wilder as Wonka. There's a commercial that has "Pure Imagination" playing in the background and every time I pause and smile; I'm instantly and forever a child when I watch or hear him which I credits his masterful performance.
As for Mom; Great Honk! Molly I can understand but The Music Man? Ye gads!